Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Big Bad Ball Busting Bloody Battles

I got introduced to BRUTAL aka Big Bad Ball Busting Bloody Battles at a con when I lived in Seattle, WA or maybe it was in San Fran... Anyway, glad to see it's still busting balls and being reviewed on the excellent Free RPG Blog.

It's a great game. Exactly what a rules-lite, combat heavy miniatures game should be. Fun, fast and furious! Definitely what I'd use to play a Dungeon Reality Show based off of Blood Bowl. It also has great art because the creator, David J. Stanley, doesn't want it to look like ass. So, he pays a lot of money commissioning talented artists to make art for his free game.

I made some Sci-fi rules (think "Game over man" and the excellent Space Hulk game) I'll have to dig them up and post them.

What other free RPG has a hangman game on it's website?

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