Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tuesday is God Day - Creegus, Ealnor, and Elondar of The Nine

Tuesday is God Day cause it's named after Tyr. Since I learned about him as a little kid Tyr has never been replaced as my most favorite god of all. This post continues a series on the gods of Pelos, the major power in my high magic, epic, pseudo Roman/Ancients campaign. The glossary might be helpful.

The Nine
Confusingly there are more than nine gods in The Nine. Different areas of the Known World elevate different gods into this group.

The Nine are the "movers and shakers" of the pantheon. Powerful and having large spheres of influence. Airlan Synarion, Beaho, Brogine, Creegus, Ealnor, Elondar, Mylien, Ryllan Synarion, Sineiri Syl, Zoryd.

"kree-gus" - Greater Deity (Lawful Neutral)

Called the Hound of Battle he is one of The Nine.

Creegus appears as a large powerful human clad in pure silver full plate with a full faced helm shaped into a hounds head. If he pushes the visor back (no other may, if they ever get the chance to try) his face is revealed as that typical of any veteran mercenary warrior, scarred and worn looking, and in Creegus' case sporting a drooping gray mustache reminiscent of a hounds whiskers. Symbol hounds head. Crossbows are his favored weapon.

"When words fail, arms succeed."

Portfolio: battle, warriors

Domains: War, Force, Strength, Animal

Cleric Training: Priests of The Nine, Pantheists, and Creegus are common. They train together at various temples, monasteries, and religious schools. Clerics of Creegus often start in or join the military. Training to be one of Creegus' warrior priests resembles modern bootcamp.

Quests: Typically involve besting some monster in direct battle.

Prayers: Creegus cares not for words other than those delivered on the battle field to inspire troops to victory.

Temples: The typical Pelosian temple will have statues or altars to The Three in the middle surrounded by altars to The Nine. Which in turn are surrounded by nooks and crannies for alters to The Many Others. Shrines and temples dedicated specifically to Creegus are common and every fort, military compound, etc. has at least one.

Rites: When soldiers are regaled with honors clerics of Creegus bestow them. They bless and inspire troops prior to battle. And perform various military ceremonies, advancing in rank, retirement, completion of training.

"eh-owl-nor" - Greater Deity (Chaotic Good)

Ealnor is one of The Nine. Ealnor represents passion, the fire that drives people to great accomplishment and others to great ruin. She is willful and wants nothing more than that which she cannot have.

Ealnor the embodiment of sex appeal. She is an irresistible High Pelosian female. Draped in revealing silks. Her grace and charm are unsurpassed. Ealnor's followers adorn themselves in her holy symbol, gold. The Javelin is her favored weapon.

"Oh, I must have one of those!"

Portfolio: seduction, passion, greed, lust, desire, envy, jealously

Domains: Domination, Trickery, Charm, Sun, Glory

Cleric Training: Priests of The Nine or Pantheists train together at various temples, monasteries, and religious schools.

Prayers: Dances, orgies, sacrifices of blood and valuables.

Temples: The typical Pelosian temple will have statues or altars to The Three in the middle surrounded by altars to The Nine. Which in turn are surrounded by nooks and crannies for alters to The Many Others. Temples of Ealnor are often where sex and similar services may be had. Her shrines turn up in peculiar places.

"eh-lon-dar" - Intermediate Deity (Neutral Good)

Elondar, the Sky Mistress, rules the area above the lands. In Darsis and most of the Wildlands she is one of The Nine in place of Brogine.

Though goddess of weather she has no power over its destructive elements e.g. storms and hurricanes; these are under the influence of stronger gods. However, it is Elondar who brings the good weather that usually follows such destructive forces.

Elondar is pale High Pelosian with long flowing white hair and beautiful white wings. She wears nothing. but her feathers, mists, or clouds, seem to always hide her nakedness. Symbol Dove, favored weapon sling.

"High above Elondar soars."

Portfolio: sky, air, birds, weather

Domains: Air, Weather, Animals, Good, Sun

Cleric Training: Priests of The Nine or Pantheists train together at various temples, monasteries, and religious schools.

Prayers: Harps, lots of harps.

Temples: The typical Pelosian temple will have statues or altars to The Three in the middle surrounded by altars to The Nine. Which in turn are surrounded by nooks and crannies for alters to The Many Others. Shrines and temples to Elondar are open to the sky and often contain aviaries.

Rites: Every morning her priests great the sun and thank it for coming back.

Herald and Allies: White dove, or pale High Pelosian dressed in purist white with white hair and large white wings.

Most Tyr's days I'll post about the gods, religions, cults from my campaigns. Next time, last of The Nine - Mylien, Ryllan Synarion, Sineiri Syl, and watery Zoryd.


  1. Another good post! Kudos on this series--looking forward to more.

  2. Hey, thanks. The dog barding was kind of silly, and that is why I had to use that pic.

    There's one more post to finish up the nine and then we are done with Pelos. After that we move to the City States of Fist and their single stern god.
