Friday, February 12, 2010

Didn't Even Cheat

I was messing around with RPG Dumping Ground's Character Generator for PBEM and check out the awesome roll 'f' got! Tripple 18's in the physicals, ok Int, Wis only bad stat is Cha aka the dump stat. It was 4d6 drop lowest but still I don't think I've ever rolled that well in my life.

Great little service PBE Games provides. Check out there other PBEM tools.

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Results displayed via web.
Summary: Characters generated by Play by Electron Games

Character One
Name: f
Method: 4d6 drop lowest, in order
STR: 18 DEX: 18 CON: 18 INT: 11 WIS: 13 CHA: 7

Character Two
Name: d
Method: 3d6 in order
STR: 14 DEX: 13 CON: 11 INT: 8 WIS: 10 CHA: 8

Character Three
Name: g
Method: 3d6 arranged
Arrange as desired: 13 14 10 8 4 9

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Signature: 772f402eb6da38aea7e07f1c82e87624
To verify:

Characters by:
Char Gen version 1.0

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