Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Eight Valuable Covers

From Random Blog Post Topic Generator. I rolled eight valuable covers... Been struggling with that topic for weeks. Eight is a lot! Although, it has caused me to explore ideas I wouldn't have otherwise. Yay, randomosity!

D&D Box Cover
1st printing of the first game to carry the name Dungeons & Dragons.

Rules for Fantastic Medieval Wargames
Campaigns Playable with Paper and Pencil
and Miniature Figures

Gygax & Arneson

Yours for $10. Today it's tad more valuable to collectors, if you have the complete box and three booklets, fetching several thousand $$$ according to Acaeum.

All or Nothing

This painted metal shield blocks 100% of all ranged/thrown attacks. Including advanced technology from blackpowder to plasma beams. Magical breaths, bolts, rays, and the like are 100% blocked as well. All this energy is absorbed and shunted elsewhere...

The catch is that any and all melee attacks automatically hit anyone wielding or even just carrying All or Nothing.


Five Favorite Rifts Covers of all Time. Canada I can get behind. Madhaven looks cool but lacks action. The other covers like Rifts itself are little too "teenage metal heads would think this is cool" for me. I like covers showing a party of characters doing what they do in game. Explore, encounter bad ass monster and find the treasure.

The Hobbit

This cover is probably most responsible for starting my D&D and RPG lifelong interest. It's, apparently, the Ballantine, 2nd issue.
This reissue which appeared in 1973, featured Tolkien's own artwork. It became a widespread favorite in the U.S., particularly for those who grew up in the 1970s.
... packaged with The Hobbit which was also reissued at this time to match the LOTR set, and featured Tolkien's painting "Bilbo Comes to the Huts of the Raftelves," on the cover
Wow, I had no idea that cover was painted by Tolkien. I gotta say I dig his art way more than his writing. Still have never been able to get through the trilogy.

Blanket of Secure Sleep

This gray wool blanket seems no different than any number of similar "campaign" blankets. But if one manages to completely cover themselves, no toes, or nose or even "breathing hole" exposed they are enchanted with a powerful form of Sanctuary. No spider, monster, bandit, or other bad-thing will notice or disturb them. This protection does not extend to cold, rain, other environmental conditions, or parents. Just the scary stuff.

[Inspired by my fears and imagined countermeasures vs "monsters in closet" as a child]

Cunard's Cozy Comforter of Restful Repose

This plumb and luxurious comforter is stuffed with Pegasus, Owlbear, Coatl feathers and Golden Goose down. Combined with non-magical but commensurate bedding and a suitable four poster bed it rewards the tired with a luxuriant and magically restful slumber. Anyone under the comforter will, within a few minutes, fall into a deep, magical sleep like stasis. Attempts to arouse those thus resting will fail. They will remain in oblivious slumber until the later of 1) daybreak 2) enough rest to be fully restored 3) an approximate number of hours (or days) thought of while falling asleep.

Those snoozing due to Cunar's Cozy Comforter:
  • Do not age.
  • Require no food, water, oxygen or other biological need.
  • Recover from wounds at 4x the normal rate.
  • Recover from exhaustion at 4x the normal rate.
  • Get 4 hours of rest for every hour (requiring only 2 hours of sleep to function normally)

Duck and Cover

Fallout has some of the best setting and flavor for 50's "Duck and Cover" tongue n' cheek type post apocalypse RPG. Could use more mutants in the future.

Chessex Dragonskin

Circa 1990 nothing says RPG nerd more than protecting your game books with genuine Chessex Dragonskin! Chessex did have a pretty bad ass logo. Alas, I was not that obsessive with protecting my books. These all came from a friend's collection. Have about six-eight other covers wrapping a complete set of 1st ed hardbacks. Some examples:


  1. Oooh, I want the Dragonskins!

  2. Arabella's Obdurate Alibi (reversible)

    Level: 3
    Range: Earshot.
    Duration: Until disproven or dispelled.

    Requires either an air of suspicion or an outright accusation in order to function. The Magic-user utters a convincing cover story as part of the casting. The cover story is believed by all who are paying attention to the caster until disproven in an authoritative court setting.

    Reversible as Arabella's Agglutinative Accusation.

  3. Vincent, you sir are most excellent. I humbly bow to your superior Vancian vocabulary.

    If you ever have it in your mind to write an article my blog would be most improved with a guest post from you. njharman@knoggin.com
