Wednesday, March 17, 2010

"I Hit It With My Axe"

Stop reading this and go watch I Hit It With My Axe.

The Escapist Magazine in it's infinite wisdom and awesomeness has launched a 52 episode weekly "reality" (as in unscripted which modern Reality TV is far from, more of a documentary as Mandy pointed out in comments) show of Zak from Playing D&D With Pornstars, Mandy Morbid, Satine Phoenix, Kimberly Kane, Connie, Frankie, plus rotating guest playing D&D.  The show is sure to be in the spirit if not the style of Dungeon Majesty.  Local Austin band The Sword rocks the sound track.

Read Zak's post all about it.


  1. I feel as though it's more of a documentary about us playing, not "reality tv", since it is us um, *documenting* our games. :) Thanks for the support!

  2. I thought it was pretty entertaining, for a first episode. Gives you a taste of the players' personalities and the atmosphere around the table, which is about all you can expect in less than seven minutes. Shaky-cam didn't bother me, but the sound was really spotty in, uh, spots :)

    I'll watch on. I want to see some actual gameplay!
