Monday, March 29, 2010

North Texas RPG Convention Raffle

The North Texas RPG Convention, June 3-6 in Irving, TX is raffling off great RPG loot to offset the costs of running this sweet convention.

You don't even have to attend the convention to win this stuff!  So, like go buy lots of tickets.
  • Dragon Magazine # 1
  • Castle Zagyg - Upper Works
  • Strategic Review # 1-7 (each raffled separately)
  • DCC #C9 w/NTRPGCon Logo (2ea)
  • Jim Holloway special LE set from Cairn of the Skeleton King 14 prints per set on 65# paper(2ea)
  • DCC #51 Castle Whiterock (2ea)
  • Core Rules Expansion CD 2.0 in shrink
  • Dungeon Magazine #1
  • Forgotten Realms Menzoberranzan boxed set - VF
  • NTRPGCon 2009 Dice Bag w/all 6 special guests signatures
  • Chainmail 3rd Ed - 8th print - in shrink
  • Dragon's Craig LE Lithograph by Paul Jaquays (signed if you want)

These prizes are only for the supremely cool cats who attend NTRPG.
  • Custom module for North Texas RPG Con by Tim Kask (2ea)
  • Swords & Wizardry limited edition miniatures by Center Stage Miniatures
  • Custom module for North Texas RPG Con by Steve Winter (2ea)
  • Other World miniature to be painted by Angela Imrie 

I'm probably spending more on the raffle than I am on con registration, doh!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post! We'll also be adding stuff up until the day of the con. Just got a confirmation from John Adams (Brave Halfling Publishing) that he'll be donating two of the new S&W White Box sets for the raffle.

    The con is non-profit (in the fact that no, it doesn't make a profit!) and Doug and I are totally unpaid. This is a labor of love! If you want to see old school cons such as this every year continue to flourish think of buying a raffle ticket or merch (tshirts, etc) as the money goes directly into running the con, getting special guests, etc.

    And of course if you are in the DFW area the first weekend in June, come on over and check us out...

    Thanks for the totally unsolicited plug Norman!
