Monday, May 10, 2010

One Page Dungeon Contest Winners

Man I'm late posting this but here is a download of The 2010 One Page Dungeon Contest winners (24 MB). And All One Page Dungeon Contest 2010 Submissions (74 MB). w00t, w00t!

The Winning Entries 

Adam ThorntonCentral New Jersey After the “Big Whoops” Best Post Apocalyptic Goodness
Antti HulkkonenDen of Villainy Best Pirates
Chris GonzalesThe Tunnels of Turrack the Terrible Best Sound Effects
Clarabelle ChongTime for Tea Best Victorian Sci-Fi
Corwin RiddleCity of Traitors Best Lost City
Craig BrascoThe Vault of Zerduzan Best Evil Cultist Hangout
Heron PriorTrolls will be Trolls Best Lair
Herwin WielinkThe Crypt of Luân Phiên Best Architectural Design
Jimm Johnson and Jeff LynkThe Contemptible Cube of Quazar Craziest Map Award
Lord KilgoreHeart of Darkness Best Mini Campaign
Paul SiegelFour Corners Best Fitness Center
Peter A. MullenLaboratory of the Asmodean Techno-Mage Snazziest Way to Push the Envelope
Rob AntonishenMine! Not Yours?Best Mine Crawl
Shane MangusRaid on Black Goat Wood Best Cthulhu
Simon BullThe Ruination Of Tenamen Best Monsters
Stuart RobertsonDungeon From A Distant Star Best Mixing of Genres
Tim ShortsWhere is Margesh Blackblood Most Hideouts for the Head Bad Guy
Tom HolmesThe Bone Harvest Horror Best Cartography

Congratulations everyone, prizes are on the way, enjoy.  I sure enjoyed reading all the entries.  When I have some more time I hope to highlight a few of my favorite entries.  

More info and links to 2009 contest on the 2010 One Page Dungeon Contest Page.


  1. Yeah, I also need to start doing that!

  2. I was sad not to see more discussion this time around, but it seems like a lot of the winners don't maintain blogs and/or have limited forum presence.
