Friday, January 27, 2012

Daughter of Delphi

:Requirements:  Human, Female, CHA 9+, CON 9+
:Primes: WIS
:Max Level: 12
:Hit Die: d6 (+1 after level 9)
:Combat: Good To Hit Progression, Med Armor, Any Shield
:Saves: as Cleric

"Your own reason is the only oracle given you by heaven, and you are answerable for, not the rightness, but the uprightness of the decision." -- First Daughter Kalliste

Daughters with 13+ WIS earn 25% XP bonus.  They must have a WIS of 16+ to earn 50% XP bonus.  May only use bludgeoning weapons, i.e. those that don't draw blood.

Daughters of Delphi are clerics of Apollo the god of sunlight, seers and medicine.  They are all that remains of the Cult of Apollo centered around the ancient Oracle of Delphi.  The Daughter's advise, protect and heal those who value truth and beauty.  They delude, obstruct and harm those who do not.

"Divine Prayers"
  Clerical slot progression, no memorization, on demand. Litanies at 1/2 highest level slot.

"Shield of Faith"
  20% per level magic resistance vs arcane, divine, faerie magic.  100% at 5th level.  Only applies when direct target of spell, not spell effect.  Idea from Supplement VI The Majestic Wilderlands.

  50% chance of vision. (d20 + 5 + lvl >= 20) vision completely correct without omissions.  A vision is either an answer to one yes/no question or a fleeting glimpse of past, present or future.  1/day, (2/day 4th level, 3/day at 7th level).

"Healing Touch"
  Curative prayers heal +1 hitpoint per die, (+2 3rd level, +3 5th level, +4 7th level, +5 9th level)

"Favored of the Gods"
  2x multiplier for Divine Intervention.

"Turn Undead"
  Turn undead as Cleric of same level.

Based Judges Guild Dungeoneer 1-6 Compendium article.  Utilizes various house rules I might have mentioned in past blog posts...  Feel free to replace 25/50% XP bonus with more standard 5/10%.  Good to hit progression is what Clerics get.  I don't require Clerics to memorize spells.  But, there is possibility (DM's whim / omnipotent knowledge of god) "prayer" goes unanswered.  Litianies are divine version of ritual casting (10min + 10gp/lvl).  Divine Intervention is last ditch appeal to gods d100 >= character level.

I don't let real life males play this class, it's a "reward" for girls cool enough to nerd out around the table with us obnoxious males.


  1. That's a pretty sweet character class! Are you envisioning this for B/X? Just curious what system you have in mind.

    Not sure if you're looking for feedback, but I have a few thoughts/questions:

    1. I'm sure you have a good reason for it, but the 25%/50% seems like a really high XP bonus (I know you said we don't have to use that)

    2. Question: what XP is required to reach 2nd level? Is it 1,500 like a cleric?

    3. Prophecy seems quite potent, especially for a "completely correct" answer.

    4. I really like the Medium Armor maximum; good call.

    5. I think the magic resistance is very cool. Nice idea!

    6. Question: What is a litany?

    Overall, this would be a very cool PC to play. My two cents is that it's a bit overpowered unless the XP to hit 2nd level is quite high. After all, this class can do anything a cleric can do except use platemail - and gets a buttload of additional powers and abilities.

    I might consider taking away the Turn Undead to make it more balanced - if you're concerned about the balance aspect.

    Anyway - fun writeup!


  2. Thanks for feedback.

    Well, started with LL have been stripping stuff (like multiple save types) getting closer to Swords and Wizardry. It's now a massively houseruled fantasy heartbreaker.

    It sounds like a lot but due exponential xp it only translates into gaining a level a earlier than others. Rather than like 2 levels above everyone else.

    I use one XP chart, others can use whatever. Cleric chart would be appropriate.

    re prophecy, only get one half the time, start with 25% of being completely correct and it's always a secret DM die roll. I might ditch the yes / no cause that can be annoying to keep "true".

    The magic resistance is not my idea. IT is awesome. see link

    Litianies are divine rituals, (ability to cast unmemorized spells) see notes

    All clerics have shield of faith, are favored by the gods, have litanies (some more), and most have some other ability. posting five more clerics classes
