:Requirements: Human
:Primes: WIS
:Max Level: 12
:Hit Die: d6 (+1 after level 9)
:Combat: Good To Hit Progression, Med Armor, Any Shield
:Saves: as Cleric
Thaumaturgists with 13+ WIS earn 25% XP bonus. They must have a WIS of 16+ to earn 50% XP bonus.
Thaumaturgists are clerics of Hermes (aka Thoth, Mercury, Odin) god of magic, thought, and knowledge. They are free agents tasked with hording and preserving magical knowledge. Thaumaturgists seek to hinder and befuddle those who would destroy or abuse magical knowledge.
"Divine Prayers"
Clerical slot progression, no memorization, on demand. Litanies at 1/2 highest level slot. May cast arcane rituals at 1/2 highest level slot +1.
"Shield of Faith"
20% per level magic resistance vs arcane, divine, faerie magic. 100% at 5th level. Only applies when direct target of spell, not spell effect. Idea from Supplement VI The Majestic Wilderlands.
Automatically learns one language per level. May engage in Arcane Duels.
"Divine Perception"
Can identify potions, sense magical auras, and the like. Must sample potion, handle object, etc. 2 in 6 chance, (3 in 6 at 3rd level, 4 in 6 at 5th level, 5 in 6 at 7th level)
"Favored of the Gods"
2x multiplier for Divine Intervention.
Utilizes various house rules. Feel free to replace 25/50% XP bonus with more standard 5/10%. Good to hit progression is what Clerics get. I don't require Clerics to memorize spells. But, there is possibility (DM's whim / omnipotent knowledge of god) "prayer" goes unanswered. Litanies are divine version of ritual casting (10min + 10gp/lvl). Divine Intervention is last ditch appeal to gods d100 <= character level.
Interesting mix of the clerical and the magic-userly.