Friday, June 22, 2012

Dragon Swords

[mwschmeer has been collecting these "Sithogy" posts into a Google Doc, cause he's awesome like that. These swords come from my semi-weekly Temple of Elemental Evil OSRIC Campaign. A player rolled up a Paladin of Bahamut we decided he was searching out the fabled Dragon Swords. Tracked down party cause the Scimitar of Dragon Control was in fact one of these Holy Weapons. Another Hateful Seeker, was nearby in the black dragon, Sithogy's hoard.]

Long ago the progenitor races (human, dwarve, elf, orc) crafted holy weapons of great power to bring about the end of the Dragon Age.  The orc and elf swords have survived.

Hateful Seeker - Orc Dragon Sword

Despite lack of artistic skill I make cards for all magic items.
Large two-handed sword of supreme orcish make. Pommel is carved dragon's head, grip is wrapped in red and gold dragon skin, the cross guard is made from two actual dragon claws.

A +2 sword. In the hands of a paladin this holy sword has the following properties:
  • +5 to hit and damage
  • +5 to hit and +10 damage vs Dragons, dragon cult priests, and the like.
  • 50% Magic Resistance to dragon magic
  • Dispel magic in 5'r at will
  • Slays dragons on natural 20 to-hit roll
  • Detects gems, precious metals, and other treasure 120'

Restraint - Elf Dragon Sword

Old business cards make handy magic item cards.

Elf style mithral scimitar. A stylized coiled, dragon forms the cross guard and continues up around the blade which is etched with it's fiery breath weapon.

A +2 sword, with limited ability to "control" dragons (as Suggestion spell).  In the hands of a paladin this holy sword has the following properties:
  • +5 to hit and damage.
  • +5 to hit and +10 damage vs dragons, dragon cult priests, and the like.
  • 50% Magic Resistance to dragon magic.
  • Dispel magic in 5'r at will.
  • Subdue one dragon, save at -4 to negate.


  1. I'll add these to that Google Docs conversion I made of Sithogy later this weekend

  2. Wow, thanks. Btw, I several more ToEE posts on the way.

    1. Ok, I updated the PDF. As you bring in more details and flesh out the encounters & items, I'll update the document.
