Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Demons and Devils Miniatures Kickstarter

$75 gets you 30 or so amazingly sculpted demons and devils in metal and resin.  Some truly huge minis are available as add-ons.

Center Stage Miniatures has been producing high-quality 25 and 28mm miniatures for use in fantasy role-playing games since 2009. With over 40 figures available in our Advanced Fantasy Miniatures range and the recent acquisition of the Julie Guthrie Fantasy Personalities range (196 figures), we've been growing in leaps and bounds thanks to you, our customers. Our regular sculptors include industry veterans like Patrick Keith, Jason Wiebe, Tim Prow, as well as some extremely talented newer sculptors like Nicolas and Federico Genovese.  
In our second year of business, I decided to begin tackling the Demons and Devils of the underworld, so I commissioned a Molydeus from Tim Prow and Baphomet, Demon Lord of Minoaturs from Jason Wiebe.

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