Monday, June 10, 2013

Cthulhu Wars Kickstarter

This past weekend at North Texas RPG Con I got to play a pre-production version of Cthulhu Wars with Sandy Petersen. It is a fun board game. Has all the GOO flavor one would expect. Each player controls a faction recruiting cultists, summoning monsters and Great Old Ones. What I really liked besides the huge number of really large and nicely sculpted minis was that each faction had distinct flavor, rules, strategy. Adding to the replay value was the clever map board. Two double sided sections which can be combined into four different arrangements. Neat!

I was dominating with Shub-Niggaroth, the Black Goat when had to call game for time. I liked it so much that I joined the Kickstarter.

Those are the minis for one faction.
FOUR factions are included in game with many more to come in expansions.


  1. Whenever I see a board game with cool minis I always wish they'd sell the minis separately. I stopped playing board games many years ago and none of my current gaming friends play them. But I'd buy those minis as a set as soon as they put them on sale.

  2. Dude, check out the kickstarter. Unless I'm mistaken they have reward levels for collectors / people who just want the minis.

  3. Yes, not only do they have pledges that allow you to buy JUST the various figures(from factions to just individual Great Old Ones) but Fenris games will post-Kickstarter be making higher quality(resin and/or metal) versions of some of the minis for the hobbyists. The minis sold with the board game are a good quality plastic.

    (that said, if you want ALL the minis, it's more cost-effective to just pledge for the game.)

  4. I've joined the Kickstarter simply because I liked Petersen's Cthulhu games and the game pieces look awesome :) Great to hear it's making the convention rounds, I better start looking around for one near Austin.
