Monday, August 4, 2014

Classic 5ed - Dwarves

Classic 5ed in style of 70's and 80's D&D. Gritty, dark, "swords and sorcery", when elves were fighter/wizards and dwarves didn't dabble in the dark arts. A few changes and restrictions to 5th Edition Basic Rules to instill a particular flavor and style on the game I run. Demonstration of how easy it is to and encouraging others to make 5ed their own.

Classes and multi-classing are limited by race. Standard Ability requirements (15+ in Ability) for multi-classing remain. Humans, Dwarves Elves, Halflings and 1/2 Orcs are playable races. Fighters, Clerics, Wizards, Rogues with Rangers and Druids for Wood Elves only after PHB is released.

Basic D&D 5th Edition PDF

Mountain Dwarves

Dwarves are insular, secretive, and paranoid.  They distrust everyone, strongly dislike elves, loath beast races (orcs, goblins, etc.)

Only Cleric, Fighter, Rogue or Fighter/Rogue multi-class (must alternate levels).

 - Disadvantage on Charisma checks with non-dwarves.
 - May not cast spells which require a willing target on nor use the Help action to aid Elves or any beast race.
 - May not be a willing target of any Wizard Spell.
 - Advantage on saving throws against wizardly magic and resistance against magical damage.
 - Advantage on saving throws against poison and resistance against poison damage.
 - Stonecunning proficiency and advantage on history stonework, detect slopes, stone traps, depth underground and the like.
 - Automatically pass literacy checks with Dwarvish and Common.
 - Darkvision
 - Proficiency with Light and Medium Armor
 - Proficiency with battleaxe, handaxe, light hammer, warhammer
 - Pick one tool proficiency: smiths, brewers, or mason
 - +2 Con
 - +1 Wis or +1 Str
 - +1 hit point per level

No Hill Dwarves. [wisdom bonus meant every dwarf cleric would be a hill dwarve, which just annoyed me.]

Starting Equipment

  • (a) Chain mail or (b) Ring mail or (c) Studded Leather
  • (a) Battleaxe or (b) Warhammer
  • (a) Lt Crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) 2 hand axes and shield
  • Pick two; Holy Symbol, Thieves' Tools, Caltrops, Climber's kit, Crowbar, Grappling hook, Miner's Pick, Shovel, Steel Mirror, Sledge Hammer, Cask of Ale
  • backpack, bedroll, mess kit, hammer, 10 pitons, tinderbox, 10 days of rations, waterskin, 50 feet hemp rope.

1 comment:

  1. I like what you've accomplished with your mountain dwarf. I'm not yet familiar enough with the new ruleset to tinker so I'll have to borrow great houserules like this. Thanks for the idea!
