Monday, January 12, 2015

"The Family" Thieves Guild

The Family

The thieves guild of Durthos calls itself "The Family".

Many rumors surround the Guild:

1. Main hideout is hidden as noble's mannor.2. Ruled by powerful monster; Succubus, lich, demon, vampire.3. Controled / Controls Noble family.4. Stealing from dead is prohibited.

Family Traditions
The family has long standing unwritten code that is well understood by its members. These traditions are one reason The Family has
survived and prospered.
• Don't cheat, steal from, or harm The Family or its friends.• Non-family operators must be reported and unsanctioned Jobs disrupted.• Jobs must be approved by Brother / Sister.• The Haul from a Job must be sold through Family.• During a job, murder, maiming, and property damage are to be avoided.• The Family does not steal from the dead.

Family Ranks
Members receive a Family name. The number of syllables in one's name denotes their rank.

"Cousin" 1 syllable name
levels 1-3.
20% haul fee.
Fence goods at 50% value minus haul fee.
Safe goods/gold Stash: 10% fee on withdrawal.
Assistance if caught by law, local, mark, etc.

"Brother / Sister" 2 syllable name
levels 4-8
15% haul fee.
Fence goods at 50% value minus haul fee.
Safe goods/gold Stash: 5% fee on withdrawal.
Assistance if caught by law, local, mark, etc.
Access to safe houses.
May plan Jobs, recruit Cousins.

"Uncle / Aunt" 3 syllable name
level 9+
10% haul fee.
Fence goods at 75% value minus haul fee.
Safe goods/gold Stash: 5% fee on withdrawal.
Assistance if caught by law, local, mark, etc.
Access to safe houses. Permanent residence at guild hall.
May recruit brothers and / or cousins for Jobs.
Member of Family's ruling council.

1 comment:

  1. The Family... Like The Family?
