Friday, March 26, 2010

Some New "Old School" Artists

Badmike did what I should have in the comments of my North Texas RPG Flyer Post and mentioned that Jason Braun did the kick ass art on that flyer.  Jason Braun has done lots of great art for the OSR and other RPGs.  I'm sure you've seen some.  I met him and got to see some originals first hand at last year's Texas old-school get together.

Later I emailed him about doing some custom artwork for my upcoming campaign and I leared Jason is one of the heads? comprising Three-headed Troll Art Wurks group of talented RPG artists.  Although he was too busy to take on more work he directed me to his artists buds and the other two heads.  He provided these Dragon's Foot links for them: 

Brian "Glad" Thomas and

Andy "ATOM" Taylor

Also they have a Three-headed Troll Art Works blog.

I incurred several thousand dollars of unexpected expenses which, sadly, nixed the custom art idea, for now.  But, BadMike's comment gave me the idea to provide them some well deserved link love / exposure.  And seriously, if you've ever been curious about getting a character portrait done or a kick ass banner/logo/splash for you campaign/meetup flyers and website or whatever I encourage you to check out the above artists (or others).  The affordability might surprise you.


  1. Ooh! Nice reference there in the black & white piece. That scene is the site of one of the *meanest* traps in the Tomb of Horrors, in my opinion. Kudos, Mr. Thomas.

  2. I had Jason draw up three NPCs in my current campaign and he did a great job. Only problem is one of the NPCs might not actually appear since the players have done some interesting things in the campaign and this guy might not be encountered! But I still have the drawings and they are great. I would love to do it again but have one of the artists illustrate a locale instead of an actual character....

  3. Wow, the colors in that second piece are eerily evocative; and I love the way the setting looms so large, with the insignificant characters so fragile in the background. Very old school. Very cool.
