Monday, February 14, 2011

Aggie Con March 25th-27th

Don't know how I missed this one in my roundup of Austin/Texas are RPG Cons.  It's even closer to Austin than OwlCon (where I picked up the flyer (after being berated by my Aggie friend for not knowing 1) it existed and 2) it was even older than OwlCon)).  Won't be making this one though, too much game and not enough time to play it!

Aggie Con 42! @ Texas A&M / College Station
March 25th-27th, 2011

3-Day badge: $15 for students, $25 for others by 2/20/11

Many guests
Art show
Anime marathons
Huge Dealers room
Console gaming
Masquerade Ball
Tabletop gaming including D&D, Hackmaster, & Magic
Charity auction to help Scotty’s House, a Child Advocacy Center


  1. I went last year and it was small, but good. The RP contingent was stronger than I'd seen before, and seemed to have a 3.5e focus.

  2. I cannot tell you how big this thing used to be, especially during the 80's and the heydey of D&D. Some really big name guests, and lots of RPGs including tournament play. Some great dealers, I remember one guy who came from up north even into the 90s who had boxes of classic rare old D&D stuff, I bought a pile of obscure magazines from him for $1 at one con (Apprentice, Tortured Souls, and The Wild Huntsmen) that I've had a hard time finding since. The last decade or so the con has fallen a bit IMO and mostly caters to the "dress up" and anime crowds.

  3. Aggie Con WAS one of the biggest/coolest shows to go to in the '80's. I travelled to it several times over the years when I lived in Georgia and NW Florida. Always really good guests, nice art show, and the club members that ran it back then were really helpful. There was always a great party to be had at the sf club's off-campus house they rented called "The Monkey House". I looked forward to spending 4 days with friends from the area (Texas) and farther out west, too. Those were "the Good Ole Days".
