Sunday, February 20, 2011

Austin/Texas Area Game Cons 2011

Update to game convention section of Austin/Texas Game Scene 2011 post. Missed some.

OwlCon XXX Jan 28th-30th, Houstin Bam! If I could, I'd clone myself and go twice.
Was awesome, you missed it.  Ran two sessions of "B2 Caves of Chaos" to packed 8 player tables, I had a blast.  Seemed that everyone else did as well.
Aggie Con Mar 25 - 27, College Station Game, Sci-fi con, art room, lots of dealers.  Never been.  Probably no go for norm.

ChimaeraCon April 1-3, San Antonio "Chimaeracon is a South Texas festival for Gamers, Sci-Fi enthusiasts and Anime fans. Come and enjoy video games, miniatures, card games, RPGs, live action role play and much more. " Never been.  Probably won't make this one.

TexiCon May 20-22 Downtown Fort Wort
h This year the convention will focus on Role-Play. Looks like good mix of other games and other stuff (seminars, silly things)  They're expanding for 2011, taking over more of the sheraton.  Never been.  I might go for fri/sat...

North Texas RPG Con June 2-5, Irving. Heck yeah! I'll be slamming the early-bird registration page when it opens on July 1st. I went last year and had the best time. The size and old schoolishness of NTRPGCON give it a unique atmosphere. Pics.

MillenniumCon Nov 11-13, Round Rock - RPGA, Historical Minis, Boardgames. By November might be feeling the need to get my Wargame On! Will hafta wait and see.

Maybe there will be another Central Texas Mini-Con.


  1. Norman, you should try to make ChimaeraCon if you can. There's a lot of RPG events, and if you don't find one you like, you could run something (I'd be interested in playing B2). I'm probably gonna run a spaceship game there, and after last year's successfule event, I will be running one again at MillCon in November.

  2. I'm so sorry I missed running into you at Owlcon this year. Unfortunately, a combination of work emergency and my wife's birthday meant I only got to be there for about five hours this year (long enough to run one of the two games I'd signed up for).

  3. How big was OwlCon?


  4. > How big was OwlCon?

    Seemed smaller than last year (based on not noticing any games being run in surrounding bldgs, a dubious anecdotal bit of evidence at best)

    No idea really, in the 100's of people. Big enough to fill 8 seat B2 Labyrinth Lord game twice. Big enough to give volunteers (GM's) free t-shirt and weekend pass. Big enough that there was more things I wanted to play than I had time for. Which is saying something since I'm not interested in RPGA, Larps, 4ed, pathfinder, Shadowrun, anything by White Wolf. Which knocks out 95-100% of typical con RPGs.

  5. I live right up the road from where they are holding the NTRPG Con. I'm planning on attending. It looks like it is going to be very cool.

    Thanks for posting this list.

    - Ark

  6. Actually, this year's OwlCon was the largest on record (this according to the organizers, who I game with regularly). 693 badges were issued.

  7. @Theron

    There you go. OwlCon really well run I'm not surprised they are getting larger. I'm sure their numbers are correct, obviously. They either organized things so none of the games were in outlying bldgs or I was lucky enough to have all my sessions in the Union.
