Level 7 K'jore Deathguard Fighter (medium abberation) CR8 Hits: 62 / 17 Move: 30' Str 16 (+3) Dex 10 (+0) Con 17 (+3) Int 8 (-1) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 14 (+2) Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +7 AC: +18, Touch +10, Flat +18 SD: immune fear, disease, polymorph Attacks: Bab +7, Grap +10 +11 (19-20) Polearm 1d10+5 +1 wound(vampire) [reach] +6 (19-20) Polearm 1d10+5 +1 wound(vampire) [reach] Powers: 10' Darkness Despair(-1 actions) DC15 Will Wall of K'Jore(Chaos) Feats: Specialization Series +1/+2 Equipment: Black Plate [Repulsion 10' (can't approach) / DC19 Will negate] Level 8 K'jore Deathguard Fighter (medium abberation) CR9 Hits: 69 / 18 Move: 30' Str 16 (+3) Dex 10 (+0) Con 18 (+4) Int 8 (-1) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 14 (+2) Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +8 AC: +20, Touch +10, Flat +20 SD: immune fear, disease, polymorph Attacks: Bab +8, Grap +11 +14 (19-20) Demon Axe 1d12+6 +1d6 Purple melt (acid/taint diseased / DC10+dam Fort negate) [opt reach] +9 (19-20) Demon Axe 1d12+6 +1d6 Purple melt (acid/taint diseased / DC10+dam Fort negate) [opt reach] Powers: 10' Darkness Despair(-1 actions) DC16 Will Summon K'jore beasts Feats: Specialization Series +2/+2 Equipment: +1 Black Plate [Repulsion 10' (can't approach) / DC19 Will negate] +1 weapon Level 9 K'jore Deathguard Fighter (medium abberation) CR10 Hits: 75 / 18 Move: 30' Str 16 (+3) Dex 10 (+0) Con 18 (+4) Int 8 (-1) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 14 (+2) Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +8 AC: +20, Touch +10, Flat +20 SD: immune fear, disease, polymorph Attacks: Bab +9, Grap +12 +15 Tenticle 1d8+6 [auto grapple] +10 Tenticle 1d8+6 [auto grapple] Powers: 10' Darkness Despair(-1 actions) DC16 Will Stop Teleport/etc Feats: Specialization Series +2/+2 Equipment: +1 Black Plate [Corona of Hate (10/heal, 10'r Attack random + Rage(+4 str/con, -2 AC) / DC15 Will negate] +1 weapon Level 10 K'jore Deathguard Fighter (medium abberation) CR11 Hits: 87 / 18 Move: 30' Str 16 (+3) Dex 10 (+0) Con 18 (+4) Int 8 (-1) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 14 (+2) Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +9 AC: +21, Touch +10, Flat +21 SD: immune fear, disease, polymorph Attacks: Bab +10, Grap +13 +16 (18-20) Pick 1d6+6 or (20) Flail 1d8+6 [+2 disarm, trip] +11 (18-20) Pick 1d6+6 or (20) Flail 1d8+6 [+2 disarm, trip] Powers: 10' Darkness Despair(-1 actions) DC17 Will Contagion Taint disease d4 taint + same damage to random stat/day DC15 Fort Storm of Vengence Feats: Specialization Series +2/+2 +3 wound points Equipment: +2 Demon Plate [Corona of Black (10/elec, 10'r 1d12 + shocked(-2 dex/str, 1/2 move) / DC15 Fort negate] +1 weapon Level 11 K'jore Deathguard Fighter (medium abberation) CR12 Hits: 109 / 18 Move: 30' Str 16 (+3) Dex 10 (+0) Con 18 (+4) Int 8 (-1) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 14 (+2) Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +10 AC: +22, Touch +11, Flat +22 SD: immune fear, disease, polymorph Attacks: Bab +11, Grap +14 +17 Three-piece-mace 1d8+6 clinging [trip, opt reach] +12 Three-piece-mace 1d8+6 clinging [trip, opt reach] +7 Three-piece-mace 1d8+6 clinging [trip, opt reach] Powers: 10' Darkness Despair(-1 actions) DC17 Will Prismatic Spray DC19 varies Alter structure of world (move/create walls, + gravity + slow + animate etc.) Feats: Specialization Series +2/+2 +3 wound points Equipment: +2 Demon Plate [Corona of Purple (10/-, 10'r 1d12 taint + Nauseated / DC15 Fort Sickened] +1 weapon +1 ring of protection Level 12 K'jore Deathguard Fighter (medium abberation) CR14 Hits: 121 / 18 Move: 30' Str 16 (+3) Dex 10 (+0) Con 18 (+4) Int 8 (-1) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 15 (+2) Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +11 AC: +24, Touch +11, Flat +24 SD: immune fear, disease, polymorph Attacks: Bab +12, Grap +15 +19 (19-20) Demon Axe 1d12+9 +1d6 Purple melt (acid/taint diseased / DC10+dam Fort negate) [opt reach] +14 (19-20) Demon Axe 1d12+9 +1d6 Purple melt (acid/taint diseased / DC10+dam Fort negate) [opt reach] +9 (19-20) Demon Axe 1d12+9 +1d6 Purple melt (acid/taint diseased / DC10+dam Fort negate) [opt reach] Powers: 10' Darkness Despair(-1 actions) DC18 Will Animate world to attack foes +12 tohit 2d6 damage Dictum DC19 Will see chart Feats: Specialization Series +2/+4 Whirlwind, attack all in reach Equipment: +3 Demon Plate [Cloak of K'jore (+4 AC, +4 save, SR 25 vs Ian, Ian confused 1rnd if he hits)] +2 weapon +1 ring of protection Level 13 K'jore Deathguard Fighter (medium abberation) CR15 Hits: 112 / 18 Move: 30' Str 16 (+3) Dex 10 (+0) Con 18 (+4) Int 8 (-1) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 15 (+2) Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +11 AC: +24, Touch +11, Flat +24 SD: immune fear, disease, polymorph Attacks: Bab +13, Grap +16 +20 Razor Chain 3d4+9 clinging [+2 disarm, trip, opt reach] +15 Razor Chain 3d4+9 clinging [+2 disarm, trip, opt reach] +10 Razor Chain 3d4+9 clinging [+2 disarm, trip, opt reach] Powers: 10' Darkness Despair(-1 actions) DC18 Will Summon K'jore beasts True Strike +20 Feats: Specialization Series +2/+4 +3 wound points Equipment: +3 Demon Plate [Cloak of K'jore (+4 AC, +4 save, SR 25 vs Ian, Ian confused 1rnd if he hits)] +2 weapon +1 ring of protection Level 14 K'jore Deathguard Fighter (medium abberation) CR16 Hits: 132 / 18 Move: 30' Str 16 (+3) Dex 10 (+0) Con 18 (+4) Int 8 (-1) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 15 (+2) Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +12 AC: +25, Touch +11, Flat +25 SD: immune fear, disease, polymorph Attacks: Bab +14, Grap +17 +21 Razor Chain 3d4+9 [+2 disarm, trip, opt reach] +16 Razor Chain 3d4+9 [+2 disarm, trip, opt reach] +11 Razor Chain 3d4+9 [+2 disarm, trip, opt reach] Powers: 10' Darkness Despair(-1 actions) DC19 Will Contagion Taint disease d4 taint + same damage to random stat/day DC15 Fort Anti-magic 5' sphere DC19 Will Feats: Specialization Series +2/+4 Deflect Arrows Deflect Arrows Equipment: +4 Demon Plate [Corona of Cold (10/fire, 10'r 1d12 + shivers(-2 dex/str, 1/2 move) / DC15 Fort negate] +2 weapon +1 ring of protection
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Deathguards of K'jore
Long ago I ran a 3.5 campaign and needed "chaos paladins" for the bad guys, K'jore. Without any more explanation than that here's example output of the deathguard generator program I wrote:
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