Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Dungeon Plane

Long ago, in my 3.5 campaign, the party found itself on the "Dungeon Plane".  All I knew about that plane at the time was; it was "old school" (so only spells and powers/feats from base (DMG, PHB) books worked) and it needed to be randomly generated endless "mega dungeon".  Wanting to avoid distraction of rolling up during game but wanting the dungeon to be unknown even to me I wrote this little DMG Appx A Dungeon Generator program to automate things.

Here's what it looks like running.  It's text mode prompting "Adventure awaits:" which I either respond with to generate another "roll" on charts or respond with various commands that roll on specific sub-tables.
Random Dungeon Delve.
Based off of 1st edition AD&D Dungeon Master's Guide. A tool for DM's to use while generating random dungeons.

? for help.
 to explore!

Adventure awaits: 
Pit 10' deep with crushing sides. Check again after 30'.

Adventure awaits: onward
Straight ahead. Check again after 60'.

Adventure awaits: onward
Straight ahead. Check again after 60'.

Adventure awaits: onward
20'x20' chamber with a chance of (1-5 secret door, 6-10 one-way door, 11-20 nothing) per 10' abutting previously explored areas. 
  It contains: Oh no a monster! 250 gold/level in bags secret compartment. 750 electrum/level in sacks with gas strength +1d6 str. 
Check again after leaving for 30'.

Adventure awaits: opendoor
5' wide passage straight ahead.

Adventure awaits: trick_or_trap
20'x20' elevator room descends 2-5 levels plus 1 level per unsuccessful door opening attempt and will not ascend for 60 turns.

Adventure awaits: 
Dead end. Chance of a (1-5 secret door, 6-10 one-way door, 11-20 nothing) per 10' abutting previously explored areas.

Adventure awaits: 
Passage turns left 90 deg. Check again after 30'.

Adventure awaits: onward
Trap door down 1 level to a Door right leading to a 10' wide passage straight ahead. Check again after 30'. 
Passage continues check again after 30'.

Adventure awaits: chamber
40'x40' chamber with 1 exit: 
  In opposite wall a door. 
  It contains a Oh no a monster!

Adventure awaits: flee
Till next time...