It has active community and is regularly updated. And Pandius / Mystara s is supported with message boards, email list and forum.
All this and more.
- Newbies Guide and FAQ
- Atlas
- Rules
- Adventures
- Resources
- Fiction
- Threshold (Mystara Magazine)
- Tome of Mystara (ezine)
- Curated Links to even more Mystara
Check out some of the stuff in Mystara Atlas for one of my favorite nations Glantri. Including my favorite Gazetteer style maps of Glantri.
- Player Characters in Glantri
- Almanac Entries
- Campaigning in Glantri
- Maps
- History
- Glantrian Personalities
- Immortals and Churches
- Races of Glantri
- Military
- Adventures and Campaigns
- Items
It is really and incredible amount of material and effort. I laud the authors, supports, fans, and game companies for keeping this reference work alive and thriving!