It's spring! Blue-bonnets are blooming, birdsong fills the air, and butterfly's and it is again time to drive to Dallas for the orgy of old-school we know as
NTRPGCon. June 5th through June 8th. Booyah!
gone to many previous NTRPGCons. It is my favorite since moving to Texas. So when registration opened yesterday, I did not dally and got right in on the good stuff.
B10 Night's Dark Terror Pt 1 & 2
ref: Steve Winter
"Night's Dark Terror" is a huge D&D adventure from 1986 that spans the Basic and Expert sets. The action starts at a remote castle under siege by goblins, moves into the wilderness of the Grand Duchy of Karameikos, and delves into the mystery of the Iron Ring bandits and slavers. We won't finish this huge, classic adventure in one sitting, but we'll push as far along the trail as we can.
I've thoroughly enjoyed past NTRPG games with Steve. Very much looking forward to an epic adventure.
Rapscallions of Denethrix
ref: James Aulds
Come explore the Anomalous Subsurface Environment world in an open hex crawl based on whatever rumors you chose to follow, be it down into the belly of Mt Rendon or out into the Livid Fens. Pregens specific to the world provided, light hearted Gonzo Super-Science fun.
ASE RMSO (rocks my socks off) double-plus good, jizzed my pants, etc. Only thing better than super-science, is
gonzo super-science.
ref: Allan Grohe
"Aliens: This Time It's War!" is a fast-paced and easy-to-learn miniatures war game set in the universe of Alien, Aliens, and Prometheus. You portray Colonial Marines trying to save the missing Hadley's Hope colonists of LV426. Children are very welcome to play. I supply the minis and terrain; bring your own d10s and Pulse Rifles! I run four different scenarios, which we can select from at the table: "The Reactor" (a good introduction to the game; escape-oriented), "Operations and Air Ducts" (another escape scenario, very challenging), "Rescue Newt" (recover the missing Newt and escape back to the elevators), or "Hunt the Queen" (a brutal scenario pitting Ripley and the Colonial Marines against the nigh-unstoppable Alien Queen). In space, no one can hear you scream!
Game over man! Finally fitting in this fantastic visceral mega miniature / board game.
Cattle Drive to Hell
ref: Steve Willett

It's fall at the Stinson Ranch near Lazarus and time to drive the beef to New Echota and the rail head. Eighteen-hundred of these fattened beauties should turn a nice profit barring catastrophic disasters along the way. It's going to take at least seven cowboys to handle a herd this size. It's a hard trail and there's always some loss of stock on the hoof and sometimes of men as well. Assuming the range boss is able to get his boss's herd to market, what awaits is not the New Echota to which you cowpokes are accustomed. The cattle are restless, folks look scared and it's not business as usual in this normally bustling city. There's a new gunslinger in town and his name is Darkness. Some say that's true, some say it's just people's fright findin' a target. Something sinister is here, y'all can feel it and Old Man Stinson ain't gonna turn no profit if the auction yard is shut down. Can you solve the mystery before the cattle starve or go mad? Can you solve it before you go mad?
Aces & Eights (awesome) / Call of Cthulhu (wgah'nagl fhtagn). Six-guns and tentacles, I am so there! Really excited to play A&E, a game I have but have barely looked at cause it'll just make me sad that no one in my game circles wants to shot clock cattle rustling varmints. (some might want to be the varmints though).
Night in Wham-Ar Castle
ref: David Cook
The superstitious bumpkins of Wham-ar Village swear the local fortress is haunted but Lord Gard knows a war party of orcs drove his men off. With such craven troops he needs brave souls he can rely on to recover the the keep and secure the border once again.
More BX, which I don't get to play much at home. And another great referee.
Annic Nova
ref: Mike Kelly
In the cold darkness of space a mysterious abandoned ship is discovered. The salvage rights alone are worth million of CR - will this wreck bring riches to the players or will they find something terrifying out in space. Find out in this - the oldest and most award winning SF RPG adveture ever published - Traveller is the most award winning RPG published in the 70s written by Mark Miller and first published in the early 70s..Classic Traveller – the best and oldest SF Role playing game comes alive in this adventure.
Ending 2014 NTRPGCon with some Serious Sci-fi, balancing out ASE's gonzo earlier in the week. I only wish we were rolling up characters at the table. Hell I'd sign up for a session that was *only* rolling up Traveller characters. It's that much fun / I'm that much of a nerd.
It's not too late for you to
register for NTRPG Con 2014: Many great games are still open. Confirmed guests include Jason Braun, Chris Clark, DARLENE, David 'Zeb' Cook, Jeff Dee, Jeff Easley, Kevin Hendryx, Jennell Jaquays, Tim Kask, Doug Kovacs, David 'Diesel' LaForce, Steve Marsh, Frank Mentzer, Erol Otus, Sandy Petersen, Lawrence Schick, Dr. Dennis Sustare, James M. Ward, Steve Winter.