Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Central Texas Game Cons 2020


Houston, TX. You missed it. Feb 28 - March 1st

Great small RPG con on Rice University campus.  It was great. Go next year!


Abilene, TX. April 23-25th

At the Abilene public library!  Never been, little far for me to drive. But looks awesome Check out this LibCon 2020 video.


Round Rock, TX. May 1-3rd

Been couple times. A broader game con still with plenty of RPG.  A friend and I are both running "con dungeons" all weekend long. Similar to Mythrus Tower at NTRPG.  A single persistent dungeon across all sessions (and other cons).

North Texas RPG Con

Dallas TX. June 4-7th

The Old-School RPG convention. Been several times, but not this year.

Lone Star Game Expo

Grapevine, TX. October 9-11th

Never been. Looks like good RPG convention. Hope to go this year.

Aggie Con

College Station, TX. late 2020

Oldest, largest student-run fan convention in the world. Missed 50th one, going this year to number 51.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The Infernax of Spells, Necromancy and Black Magic

Man! Wish I had a copy of this. But like the Centurion says "it's extremely rare".

This is video review done by Centurion's Review Youtube Channel. Who often reviews old wargames esp micro games. But occasionally has an RPG item like this.

Approved by Dave Arneson

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Owl Con 2020 Recap

Got back to Owl Con this year.  A great con at Rice Univ in Houston Texas. I ran a B/X session of Caves of Chaos. I had a blast, the full table of eight players had a blast. My friend ran Tegal Manor using OD&D and my other friend (I do have more than two) had an exhibitor booth hawking Scribes of Sparn wares. Mostly Planet Eris Gazetteer, map and modules. Being the shared campaign world several Austin OSR games run in.

He also did a much better job at taking photos and blogging about con than I ever will. So, I'll just direct you to his coverage on The Contemptible Cube of Quazar starting with this post OwlCon Live Blog Day One.  Half dozen or more posts after than one.  Be sure to look for "Professor" Norm and the serendipitous behind the screen photo of the DM's map!

Sadly I got sick and went home late Sat night. Looking fwd to Chupacabracon in May.

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