Got the idea for this list from John Four of
Limiting this to published D&Dish modules of the non- darksun/dragonlance/spelljammer/hollowworld/etc variety. In a not too particular order:
- B2 Caves of Chaos [done many times to great success]
- T1-4 Temple of Elemental Evil [doing this right now, haven't got to the temple yet though]
- G1-3 Against the Giants [having looked over this (and decided to start T1-4 instead I'd rather do a Against the Giants flavored adventure(s) of my own creation. It just seems a little too "archaic"/bad old school, I don't like Q1, and not supper excited bout D1-2 at least as follow on's to G1-3. Drow bore me.]
- S3 [oh hell yes]
- Caverns of Thracia [old Judges Guild or new Necromancer's]
- Tengel Mannor [old Judges Guild]
- Hellpits of Nightfang [old Judges Guild]
- EX1 EX2 Dungeoland [these fascinated me when I first got them as a kid]
- UK2 Sentinel & UK3 Guantlet [ran parts of 1st one in larger campaign (players did not pick up glove and campaign went different direction)]
- I3-5 Desert Desolation [never looked at it, heard it was good]
- U1,U2,U3 [I did run sinister secret when young, vaguely want to do the series now that I actually know something about DMing]
- X1 Isle of Dread
- X2 Castle Amber
- JG1 Thieves of Fortress Badbbaskor [Goodman's]
- JG2 Citadel of Fire [Goodman's]
- JG3 Dark Tower [Goodman's]
- Ptolus [or Freeport, or Vornheim] some mega city.
- Stonehell Megadungeon
- Bottle City
- The Keep [Role Aides Fantasy vs Nazis!]
- City of Brass [I don't think any published ones can (or do) live up to what DMG cover made me imagine. So I'll proly have to roll my own...]
- Gygax's Necropolis
- The "mega" dungeon from Fight On!
- Anything from Gabor Lux's Fomalaut!
- Butt loads of 1page dungeons
Special mention: OA, Oriental Adventures some or all (haven't looked at more than a couple (mad monkey and haunted castle one)
I know almost nothing about the AD&D H, I, R, and parts of the UK series not mentioned above. Nor about D&D B, X series beyond the B2 & X1 that came with my boxsets back in the day. Any recommendations of must play modules from them?