"ghee-licks" - Greater Deity (Lawful Neutral)
Gelix is one of The Three, the major ruler gods. He has male, female and neuter aspects. Gelix's symbol is an obsidian triangle point upwards. His favored weapon are picks (the tool).
Gelix is the mountains, the rocks, the water in the rivers. He provides the materials to build civilization. He is stable and unyeilding. Unlike the transient creations of Myri when Gelix blesses your house of stone it will be there for your children and their children and so on.
"Firm like the rock, flexible like the river. This is the best way to live."
Portfolio: Inanimate nature, minerals, mountains, rivers
Domains: Earth, Water, Strength, Weather, Law
Cleric Training: Priests of The Three, Pantheists, and followers of Gelix are common enough. Their training is done together at various temples, monasteries, and religious schools. For Gelix it involves long periods of silence and other forms of sensory deprivation. Such as fasting for several days and meditating in a dark windowless soundproof box. The goal is to connect with Gelix, with his nature that surrounds and permeates everything.
Quests: Traveling to remote desolate locales such as mountain tops, or deep in featureless sunbaked badlands. In order to contemplate and observe what Gelix has wrought.
Prayers: Prayers to Gelix are done in mass with dozens or hundreds gathered. No words are spoken. Instead there is much stamping of feet and smacking of arms on chests often accompanied by drums. It all starts slow but increases to a fevered rate until everyone collapses of exhaustion.
Temples: The typical Pelosian temple will have statues or altars to The Three in the middle surrounded by altars to The Nine. Which in turn are surrounded by nooks and crannies for alters to the many others Shrines and temples dedicated specifically to Gelix will be in dramatic natural settings. e.g. cliffs, amidst raging river. They are always hand made (no magic) from natural rock and dirt. They are often not very habitable or building like.
Rites: Priests of Gelix are called upon to bless any construction or demolition of stonework and the like. They are charged with keeping Gelix "happy" and in balance with Myri and Lirlenion. So that none surpass the others which would upset the proper order of things.
Herald and Allies: Nature itself is Gelix's Herald

"mir-ee" - Greater Deity (Chaotic Neutral)
Myri is one of The Three, the major ruler gods. She has male, female and neuter aspects. Her symbol is a mobius strip on a green triangle pointing down. Myri's favored weapon is the sickle (the farm implement).
Myri is life -- she causes flowers to bloom and babies to cry their first breath. Myri is death -- she is in the lion when it kills a dear and decays corpses. She drives the cycle of renewal. Without which the world would be sterile, unchanging, lump of rock and we'd all be stuck silently contemplating Gelix's "greatness". So, thank Myri when she next comes to sprout your crops or still your breath.
"Round and round the wheel of life we go."
Portfolio: Living nature, plants, animals
Domains: Animal, Plant, Death, Healing, Chaos
Cleric Training: Priests of The Three, Myri, and Pantheists are common enough. Their training is done together at various temples, monasteries, and religious schools. For Myri this means learning about plants and animals, about birth and death. But not from books in stuffy temples, rather it's done out in nature surrounded by the living and dieing. By planting things and killing things.
Quests: Myri is not fond of specific quests. She expects her priests to always be an active part of life.
Prayers: Consist of shouts, songs, music, dancing. Animal sacrifice and burning of plants, often fragrant, are common. So is animal breeding. Less common than cheap tavern bards would have you believe are orgies and other sexual rites.
Temples: The typical Pelosian temple will have statues or altars to The Three in the middle surrounded by altars to The Nine. Which in turn are surrounded by nooks and crannies for alters to the many others Shrines and temples dedicated specifically to Myri are covered in plants and filled with animals. They are often hospitals and/or crematoriums.
Rites: Births, deaths, plantings, harvests are all events Myri priests commonly preside over. They are charged with keeping Myri "happy" and in balance with Gelix and Lirlenion. So that none surpass the others which would upset the proper order of things.
When Flame leaves the night sky to join Waterdrop in the eighth month there is a great celebration. There are important religious reasons for this but most Pelosians look forward to it as one honking big party. Many children are born nine months later.
At the end of the year the "Death of the past" and "Birth of the future" rites are performed. This is a solemn event and popular time for divinations.
Herald and Allies: Every animal and plant you see is a herald of Myri.

"leer-lay-nee-on see-nrile-nal" - Greater Deity (Neutral)
Lirlenion is one of The Three, the major ruler gods. It has male, female and neuter aspects. Lirlenion's holy symbol is a bluish-white sphere cracked nearly in two and its favored weapon is the Pelosian broadsword (treat as longsword).
Lirlenion Sinrynal provides the force that burns wood and freezes water. Without Lirlenion there would be no magic for Lirlenion is magic and magic is Lirlenion. When you consider wanton Myri or stoic Gelix it is Lirlenion that gives you the ability to think. Without it we would be as mindless as the river rock watching water flow by or the goat chewing on grass.
"Think, the answer will come to you."
Portfolio: Magic, elemental forces, energy, sentience
Domains: Fire, Cold, Force, Magic, Mind
Cleric Training: Priests of The Three, Pantheists, and Lirlenion Sinrynal are common. Their training is done together at various temples, monasteries, and religious schools. For Lirlenion it starts with studying the great philosophers and mystics, along with fundamentals of elemental magic. Then it continues with many debates, tests, puzzles, and contests. After that more studying, Myri doesn't have a monopoly on cycles.
Quests: Priests of Lirlenion frequently spend months researching obscure subjects. They are also fond of devising and solving intricate mental puzzles.
Prayers: Tend to be long and intricate with many levels of meaning. Sometimes recited in obscure languages or in code.
Temples: The typical Pelosian temple will have statues or altars to The Three in the middle surrounded by altars to The Nine. Which in turn are surrounded by nooks and crannies for alters to the many others. Great schools and libraries will have temples to Lirlenion. In fact some of the greatest libraries started out as temples to Lirlenion.
Rites: Priests of Lirlenion oversee the refferendums in Pelos. They also bless new senators and representatives accepting their oaths. In Pelos Minor when the day of secession is celebrated Lirlenion priests provide pyrotechnics, light shows, and other magical celebrations. In Darsis capital punishment is carried out by two Priests who alternatively freeze and burn the guilty until they are dead.
They are also charged with keeping Lirlenion "happy" and in balance with Myri and Gelix. So that none surpass the others. Which would upset the proper order of things.
Herald and Allies: Cast a spell, Lirlenion has just spoken through you. You are its Herald.

So, most Tyr's days I'll post about the gods, religions, cults from my campaigns. Next time, Airlan Synarion, Beaho, and Brogine of the The Nine.
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